National Water Safety Forum


Annual reports and data

The following table contains the annual fatality reports using data extracted from WAID. These reports are published on a calendar year basis; we aim to release the first edition of the report by the middle of the following year. Within the report we embed links to the underpinning data tables, showing aggregated statistics.

Published annual fatality reports for the UK Version

2023 Annual Fatal Incident Report

Trend and Summary Reports 2023

UK, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

1st Release

2022 Annual Fatal Incident Report

Trend and Summary Reports 2022

UK, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

1st Release

2021 Annual Fatal Incident Report 

Trend and Summary Reports 2021

UK, EnglandScotlandWales, Northern Ireland

1st Release
2020 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2019 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2018 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2017 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2016 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2015 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2014 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2013 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2012 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2011 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2010 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release
2009 Annual Fatal Incident Report 1st release

The following table contains reports that utilise the WAID dataset. The authors or owners of these reports are indicated in brackets. Their their conclusions may not reflect the views of the NWSF or its members. Further information on obtaining and using the WAID dataset can be found WAID homepage.

Other published reports using WAID data Version and data extract Data period (calendar years)
2012-2015 Fatal incident report for Scotland Final
Assessing inland accidental drowning risk (RoSPA) Considers inland fatalities and shows relative risk of selected activities and locations using sports and other participation data. Final 2009-11
Delivering accident prevention at local level in the new public health system (RoSPA) Part 2: Accident prevention in practice - Fact Sheet. Water safety benefits, risk and choice. Final 2009-11
WAID Discovery Report May 2020 Final  All available data